Crop Manager

This activity will allow you to tell the application what part of a selected image you want to display. In context of using the applications Theme Editor, the application does NOT actually crop your photos.


  1. Reset – Resets the crop regions size and position to its default parameters.
  2. Finish – Ends the activity and returns the crop parameters to the Theme Editor. Screenshot showing the menu expanded with numeric annotations attached to each menu item.
  3. Crop coordinates - Displays the x and y parameters of the top left corner and the bottom right corner of the crop region.
  4. Crop Region – Defines the current section of the image that will be displayed as your theme wallpaper. The lines projecting to the outside of the image are handles which can be used to resize the bounding box. To move the crop region without resizing it press and hold your pointer within the inside of the crop region and without letting go move your pointer to the desired location.
  5. Current Wallpaper – The image representing your theme wallpaper. Screenshot showing the activity expanded with numeric annotations attached to each menu item.