Log Manager

This activity allows you to view log entries that the application has made. The log entries are specific to the application managing the service that deals with resetting your devices Wifi adapter and is not necessary for the application to function.


  1. Refresh – Re-queries the log database given the selected category and presents the results. If a search had been executed pressing this menu item will clear the search result.
  2. Search – Checks all log entries in the log database given the selected category based on the submitted title and returns the results.
  3. Order – Sorts the log entries by title and date of creation in either ascending or descending order given the selected category and presents the results.
Screenshot showing the menu expanded with numeric annotations attached to each menu item.

Other functions can be accessed by holding your pointer on an entry to trigger highlight mode. Once in highlight mode you can revert back to the previous mode by either repeating the operation, pressing your device’s back button or by performing a delete operation.

  1. Invert Selection – Highlights all entries in the list that are not highlighted and un-highlights all entries that are highlighted.
  2. Delete Selected – Deletes all highlighted entries from the application’s database.
  3. Email Selected – Converts the selected log entries into an email document and opens the default email client.
  4. Save Selected – Converts the selected log entries into a text document and saves it to a user defined destination.
Screenshot showing the menu expanded with numeric annotations attached to each menu item.